Prior to your initial appointment please download, print and complete the following forms as appropriate:
This letter is to be read, signed and dated and brought to your visit as this functions as our “permission to treat” form.
One of these forms is to be filled out before your visit. If you can not download and print the form you can call to request a copy sent to you in the mail or emailed, or if your appointment is going to be scheduled on short notice, you can arrive about 20 minutes early for your scheduled appointment so you will have time to fill out these intake forms.
If other practitioners have records you think would be helpful for us to have you can download, fill out and mail or fax a release of records to their office, in which case we may receive them before your visit. Alternately, you may fill it in and bring it with you to your appointment and we will request the records to be sent to us.
GPS will get you to our location easily, but if you prefer to have a copy of directions in hand when you come, you can print them here.